Besides being a designer, I am an illustrator and an analog photographer. My work has been exhibited in Brazil, Italy, the United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Lithuania, Thailand, and Spain.

Epson, Bed Head Tigi, Bic, Canson, Dove Men Care, Havaianas, Electrolux, TAM, Freddo, MTV, Liberty Seguros, Repetto Paris, El Cabritón, Dorina Nowill, Levi's, Onitsuka Tiger, Fnac, Hope, Morena Rosa, Nestlé, Wunderman, Tastemakers, Unimed Brasil, Ultra, Westwing.

Appeared on
Estadão, Portal Terra, Portal da Propaganda, Clube de Criação Online, Revista Caras, Galileu, UOL, Metro, Band, Adnews, G1, Folha de São Paulo, Guia da Folha, Veja São Paulo, Meio e Mensagem, Portal Belas Artes, Another Magazine, BBC London, TV Cultura, Society 6, Dieline, Notcot Propmark, Brasil Econômico,, Wish, IDN, Época.

Magic Packaging 2 (Designer Books), Logology®2 (Victionary) The Wonderland of Logo Design, Logo Design 3 (Taschen), Celebration Graphic Sourcebook (Rockport), No Rules Logos (Rockport), Elephant Parade London, Cow Parade São Paulo, Letterhead & Business Card (Zeixs), Logo 2 (Zeixs).

Cow Parade São Paulo, Elephant Parade London and São Paulo, Monica Parade, Rino Mania, Vivo Call Parade, Dog Art Parade, Troy Art Mube, Cacau Show Egg Parade, Repetto Paris Exhibition, Live Painting Westwing - Vogue Fashion NightOut, Manifesto do Papel Canson, Show Us Your Type Berlin, Hong Kong and Shanghai, Phobia Exhibition Lithuania, Peles/Skins.